Yep…We’re a Bunch of #HealthRaisers
For years, we’ve been a healthcare branding agency that’s committed to raising health. We raise questions. We raise expectations. We raise the bar in what’s possible for healthcare branding, marketing and consumer engagement. And when it’s all said and done, we’ve been known to raise a glass or two in celebration of healthcare brands well launched, messages well received and lives made better through the work of our clients. We’re a bunch of #HealthRaisers, and damn proud of it.
But, this year, we want to raise more than just healthcare brands. We want to engage with more than just healthcare consumers. We want to raise the bar on our own commitment to being #HealthRaisers.
So, we are launching, a program designed to encourage our team, clients, partners and friends to raise the bar on their commitment to raising health. From blood donations to healthy living, screenings to sharing information, K2MD health is more than just branding health…we’re living it.