Go Red for Women Luncheon
The purpose of the luncheon is to raise awareness of heart health and inspire and motivate women to live heart-healthy lifestyles. Did you know… cardiovascular diseases kill approximately ONE WOMAN every EIGHT SECONDS! But… 80% of cardiac events can be prevented with education and lifestyle changes pertaining to your heart health care.
#HealthRaiser Gym Bag
Included in the luncheon is a “Purse-sonality Auction,” (get it?). We decided to donate a designer bag with our own healthy twist. The Lululemon gym bag is filled with all the essentials we think every #HealthRaiser needs to live a healthy lifestyle…. In STYLE. Get your yoga on with a new mat, in a fresh Nike headband, rehydrating with a Gatorade water bottle, listening to new music bought from a $50 iTunes gift card on Skull Candy headphones, and of course, in your #HealthRaiser t-shirt. We’ve also included other useful items like a phone case arm band, hair ties, energy bars, face wipes, protein drink, and much more!
Please join us in raising a little health this year by supporting the American Heart Association. You don’t need to be present to bid! Bid on the #HealthRaiser Gym Bag and others by clicking here!